I hope everyone had a great Halloween. We dressed up and then took Jewel and friends trick or treating with a little rain showers along the way. We went out later and saw some great costumes and then some not so great like the creepy sloth guy from Goonies. There were a lot of girls that didn't leave much to the imagination with the costumes they had on...yikes! Enjoy the pics.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy Halloween!
I hope everyone had a great Halloween. We dressed up and then took Jewel and friends trick or treating with a little rain showers along the way. We went out later and saw some great costumes and then some not so great like the creepy sloth guy from Goonies. There were a lot of girls that didn't leave much to the imagination with the costumes they had on...yikes! Enjoy the pics.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Its been a while.
Ok so i have been VERY bad about keeping up with this page. So lets catch you up to speed. Stella (our dog) was diagnosed with epilepsy, Jewel started 5th grade, I turned 31 (yikes) and Brandon aka Boomer turned 30!!! Finally he is in the club! Stella has been on phenobarb so that controls the seizures....makes her groggy but she is doing great. Jewel loves 5th grade so far she says it is her favorite grade. Brandon is so far enjoying the age of 30. I will do better at keeping this blog up to date. Enjoy the pictures. Oh i forgot to add that the Dodgers made it to the playoffs i know they didn't make it but Brandon paid Jewel and i to show our love for him and support for his team.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Wisdom Teeth
40 years together.
On July 19 we celebrated my grandparents 40th wedding anniversary. It was a surprise party that my mom and i planned. We had help from my grandparents friends and co workers to make it a success. My grandpa was put in the hospital Wednesday before the party and my mom and i were like ok we are still going to have this party. He was released Saturday and he was ready for a nap. My grandpa's brother and sister in law were "taking them out" for their anniversary and when they arrived at the party they were surprised. It was a great party. The weather was very hot at 98 but we were in a room that had water coolers...for those of you who know how well they work you can understand why we are all looking hot in these pics. Hears to another 40 years of love laughter and family! Love you Jim and Dorothy (grandma and grandpa).
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Today my great grandmother on my mothers side turned 105! She has good days where she talks but lately has a lot of bad days where she wont eat or talk...i say she is 105 and if she doesn't want to talk then she doesn't have to! Lucky me i will out live Brandon and die and 125. Yikes. That is way to old. So i just wanted to share that with everyone. Happy Birthday Loretta Ensworth!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
anniversary weekend
OK so we are back from our weekend away. We stayed at a place called Timbercove Inn near Jenner,Ca. It is near Bodega Bay, Petaluma area. Now the Inn is rustic very old and beautiful ocean views. It was also very relaxing and peaceful. as we sat on our deck watching the sun set raccoons walk by you and stop to see what you are doing. It was a nice weekend away for us. On the way home today we stopped at some wineries and had a great time at the hook and ladder winery. The people there were great and the wine is fantastic as well. We really enjoyed the quiet time and the view of the ocean. So please enjoy the pictures. If you look close you can see a person at the top of the picture of the cliff you will see that the person is Brandon!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
OK so today is our 2 year wedding anniversary. Time really just doesn't slow down at all as we get older. This weekend we are going to Bodega Bay to relax and enjoy the beautiful surroundings. I will post some pictures when we return. The last two years have been wonderful. We all know marriage isn't easy and it NEVER seems to be like what Disney movies show us. But my husband has shown me that together we can accomplish anything. Jewel totally adores him and looks up to him and for me that is all i need. So here is to forever with my wonderful husband and sweet daughter. To many more tears, laughter, love and years i can promise that I'm here forever! I Love you Boomer!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
OK so we finally found a rug for upstairs. We have been looking for rugs since we got the floors finished a year ago. I never knew just how difficult it could be to agree on a rug!! So we found one on sale so that made it worth it even more. Stella LOVES it as soon as we put it on the floor she jumped on it and crawled around...I'm going to have to record her doing that cause it is super funny. She doesn't like to lay on the floor cause it is hard...can we say high maintenance??? With the rug on the floor she is content!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Hot Cheetos
Thursday, April 3, 2008
New Kids on the Block!
OK i know Brandon isn't going to like this but OMG the new kids are going to be coming back. Is there any one who is as excited as i am? I know my sister in law Stephenie is as excited. We already plan on going to the concert if/when they go on tour. Donnie was my man back in the day. I still have ALL my new kids stuff from books to sheet sets. I still love them and cant wait to see them on the Today show this Friday morning!!! Sorry honey i just had to say something about this!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
So we took a day trip to Yosemite on Saturday. Drove up there about 8am and got home about 8pm. We walked around to see the waterfalls and there was still some snow on the ground. The weather was really beautiful and sunny all day. Stella was dead tired when we got home. She was almost to tired to jump into the truck to go home. Enjoy the pictures!
Monday, March 17, 2008

OK i just realized we don't have a picture of our catahoula leopard dog on here for you all to see. So I'm sitting at work and I'm bored and have time to post her pic. She turned 2 in January and we have had her for over a year. Yet another cute addition to our animal house. We had an adorable hamster who passed last summer...he was really sweet. I also have managed to kill 2 beta fish so at least Jewel and Stella are still alive!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Florida Vacation
So for Brandon's birthday present his parents sent us all to Florida. Jewel and i went with Betty Stephenie and her hubby Nathan to Disneyworld while Brandon and his dad went to Dodgertown in Vero Beach. We had such a blast at each park and we rode all the scary rides..well i didn't ride all the scary rides. Jewel and Stephenie were VERY brave to go on the Rockin Roller Coaster. My mother in law was even brave to go on the Tower Of Terror. We stayed at the Wilderness Lodge and whoa that place was awesome. You could rent boats and cruise around and sit on the beach. 85 degrees so we were all lovin it! They went to fantasy baseball camp and got to play games and meet some older players back from when they were the Brooklyn Dodgers. After our fun at Disneyworld we drove to Vero Beach and watched our men in action. It was the coolest vacation ever. I can't thank his family enough for all they did for us. They made a lasting memory!

OK so yesterday my monkey turned 10! I still can't believe that she is 10 and almost 5 ft tall. I sat there last night looking at the clock about the time i had her and thought wow what an amazing 10 years it has been. She is such a funny sweet and just all around awesome child. I know all moms think that their kids are perfect but I'm sure that mine truly is! She has so much family and they all love her more than i thought was possible. So 10 is here and now we are getting closer to the teen years...lord help me! Her present from Brandon and i was a leopard gecko and she really wanted one and Brandon really wanted to make it happen for her. He went and read about the care of the gecko and he got it all set up...he takes the award for best step dad in the world..next to mine of course!
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